Sustainable Gift Guide for your favorite modern hippie

Sierra Vandervort
4 min readDec 3, 2020

The holidays can wreak havoc on the environment. Excess buying, mountainous plastic bags and cheap drugstore pedicure sets — that we promise, no one wants — seem to fall from the sky. And if you’ve ever been on wrapping paper cleanup duty — you know how hard it is to get rid of everything.

As a modern “hippie,” both self-proclaimed and externally named, I can’t help but cringe at all the commercial waste during a season that is supposed to be about gratitude and love. Buuuut on the other hand — ya girl still loves getting presents. Who doesn’t?

Thankfully, the modern age has paved the way for many small, sustainably minded companies to step forward and change the game. From activewear made from plastic bottles to mail-delivered all-natural cleaning products — modern technology has the potential to help us offset the damage we’ve done to Mother Earth.

But in order to do that — we have to champion and uplift the companies that are working to make a change. We have to support small, sustainable businesses. And we have to consume much more consciously.

So maybe you find something from this gift list you’d like for yourself or for a loved one. Maybe you don’t — that’s also ok. What matters is that you do so intentionally and from a heart-centered place.



Sierra Vandervort

Sierra is an international yoga instructor, mindset mentor & author based out of New Orleans. You can connect with her on Instagram @thelocalmystic